Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021

are initiated to protect the health and well-being of employees at the donation centres, facilities/maintenance and drivers. 9.20.1 Outdoor heat exposure EGNW identified that employees might be exposed to heat at or above 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the year and the company will implement its Outdoor Heat Exposure Safety Program: • a written outdoor heat exposure safety program with training to cover (recognizing heat related stress, reporting protocols and monitor temperatures); • will have a mandatory buddy rule, regular check-in for workers (using phone or radio), or have other effective methods for catching signs of heat-related illness; • provide appropriate response to workers who are experiencing heat-related symptoms; • provide enough sufficiently cool water for each worker to drink at least a quart an hour; • provide sufficient shade that is large enough for and close enough to workers (or provide other means to cool down such as air-conditioned trailers or misters); • encourage and allow workers to take preventative cool-down breaks as needed; • require worker to take a 10-minute, paid cool-down break every two hours; • relieve workers from duty if they are experiencing signs of heat-illness, providing them a means to cool down and determine if additional medical attention is needed; • if employees wear any type of PPE during their work schedule, these requirements may kick in at even a lower temperature; and • training on heat related stress is available on TAG. During orientation, employees will be required to complete this training. Every year, the training will be provided in toolbox talks. • Yearly drills will be conducted in order to recognise HRI and the preventive measures needed.


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