Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021
9.16 Water Heater Section 510.5 of the Uniform Plumbing Code requires that earthquake straps be installed in seismic zones 3 and 4. California, Oregon, and Washington are all located in either seismic zones 3 or 4. EGNW will ensure that all new water heater installations will have earthquake straps as well as all existing ones. The code specifically requires that water heaters be strapped or anchored to resist horizontal displacement from earthquake motion. Strapping must take place in the upper 1/3 and lower 1/3 of a tank-type water heater (not a tankless water heater). At the lowest point, there should be a minimum of four inches clearance from the strapping to the controls. 9.17 Structural/building Integrity EGNW will ensure that employees, customers, students and visitors have a safe place to conduct business. The Facility Department will be responsible to check buildings for any repairs or maintenance on a regular basis. Repairs and maintenance responsibilities and cost will be shared by the property owners and EGNW, depending on the lease agreement. A building inspection will be conducted by EGNW Insurance broker as and when required. Recommendations made by the 3rd party insurance carriers will be reported to Risk & Safety Department. All recommendations will be forwarded to Facility Department. Risk and safety will audit the recommendations to ensure repairs or maintenance are completed to provide a safe place for business. Employees have the responsibility to report any such damages, leak or repairs directly to their managers or to Risk & Safety through Vector Reporting. EGNW will close down any unsafe building until repairs are complete and building is deemed to be safe by an expert to conduct business. If building is not safe and cannot be used to conduct business safely, EGNW will seek other measures to conduct business in a safe manner. 9.18 Manual Handling Manual Handling involves any transporting or supporting of any load by one or more employees, and includes lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving a load, which by reason of its characteristics or unfavorable ergonomic conditions, involves risk of muscular injuries to employees.
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