Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021

Employees will be required to report any exposed live wires or any electrical issue in their work areas to their managers or supervisors. Department Managers/assistant managers/supervisors will issue a facility request for repair work. A yearly inspection on all electrical panel including a thermography test will not be required. 9.12 Hot Work Permit Hot work is defined as any work involving welding, brazing, soldering, heat treating, grinding, hot riveting, hot tapping and all other similar applications producing a spark, flame, or heat, or similar operations that are capable of initiating fires. Hot work has many hazards such as flying sparks, molten metals, slag, cinder, heat conduction when working on pipes, hot surfaces and even explosive atmosphere. These hazards have the potential to cause injuries, death or property damage. EGNW has identified that some task might require hot work and these task will be contracted out. EGNW employees are neither trained, certified nor authorized to conduct any hot work. Prior to conducting any Hot Work operations, EGNW Facilities Director or Department Managers will ensure that: • contractors conduct a hazard assessment to determine any potential for fire; • hot work permit training documents of their employees are provided; • have an approved hot work permit by R&S; • specify the type of fire protection and extinguishing equipment they will provide; • confirm availability of trained fire watch; and • fire-fighting equipment are properly located and readily available at place of hot work. No hot work shall be conducted without specific written authorization from R&S. A fire watch will be posted in the area where hot work is being carried and will have the authority to stop any unsafe practice.


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