Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021

After completion of training, managers will assist employees to upload their records on TAG A daily pre-use inspection before using a PIT will be conducted by operators or leadership team. The daily pre-use inspection checklist records will be maintained for at least a year and then it may be shredded. Safety Committee team members and Regional Directors will check pre-use daily inspection checklist during the monthly inspection. R&S will audit the checklist quarterly. Department Managers will apply LOTO procedure when forklift is out of service and will issue a repair ticket to outside vendors. Finance Department will inform R&S of any PIT disposal, so proper action can be initiated to remove equipment from insurance and all waste disposal regulations are followed. 9.9 Lock Out/Tag Out EGNW will require proper lockout/tagout (LOTO) practices and procedures to safeguard workers and contractors from hazardous energy releases. LOTO program will be implemented during servicing, maintenance or break down of machines and equipment in which unexpected energization or start-up of machines or equipment, or release of stored energy, could harm employees or contractors. EGNW will ensure that employees who are authorized to apply LOTO are properly trained, certified and authorized for such task. Affected employees will be made aware on recognizing equipment that are under LOTO and the precautions needed to protect them. No one at EGNW will be allowed to remove a LOTO unless proper approval and authorization are received from Managers. Contractors operating without a LOTO procedure will be required to stop working until proper LOTO procedure are put in place. 9.8.1 For additional PIT requirements refer.

9.9.1 For additional information refer to LOTO procedure.


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