PowerPoint Presentation
Reporting Insights
Connecting reports to grow your business
The Proven Business Growth Method
Example C.
This process must be tracked each month. Reports need to be read together at the end of each period to know where you stand to ensure business growth.
TY vs. LY
DID NOT-Sell more items than the previous year TY vs. LY TY vs. LY slightly higher price than the previous year DID NOT - Sell those items at a
Produce more Items from the previous year
Color Tag Report
Good Condition &
NOT -Well merchandised for ease of Shopping
Your stores budget has a 3% increase from LY
DID NOT - More items sold with more customer purchasing
Solid consistent customer service
Items Priced to their Value
Items priced the same as LY or slightly more
Color Tag Report
TY vs. LY
If one thing is not firing correctly it hurts growth and effects everything.
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