Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021
1.0 Purpose, Scope and Responsibilities
1.1 Purpose This document will serve as Evergreen Goodwill of Northwest WA (EGNW) Accident Prevention Plan (APP). It will apply to all stores, outlets, Attendant Donation Centers (ADCs) and Job Training & Education Centers (JTEC) and any locations under the management of EGNW. The term “locations” will be used to represent the entities supported by this plan, that is, stores, outlets, ADCs and JTE Centers and any locations under the management of EGNW. The purpose of this document is to address occupational hazards and any Federal/State Health and Safety regulations that will apply to all EGNW employees across its locations. This document outlines policies and procedures that will be implemented to reduce or eliminate those hazards. “Employees” will include all paid staff in permanent, part-time, student, volunteers and internship positions. In order to be effective, all employees will be required to understand this APP, know where they can get a copy of this document and its proper use. The APP will be used in-lieu of the Health and Safety Manual but will not replace existing policies, records, procedures and safe operating procedures or safe system of works. The APP will be kept as a PDF document on Vector and the original will be saved in R&S folder in J:\APP. This document will be reviewed and updated by R&S and the Safety Committee members when there will be new hazards introduced into the business or changes in existing processes. Any suggestions or proposed improvements from other business processes to the APP will be directed to R&S Department. Evergreen Goodwill of Northwest WA is referred as “The company or EGNW” in this document. Evergreen Goodwill is a non-profit organization founded in 1923. The company currently operates five Job Training Centres, 24 retail stores, and 30 donation sites in King, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, and Kitsap County. It employs over 2,000 people in Pacific Northwest, WA region. 1.2 Company Profile
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