Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021

9.4 Ergonomics Ergonomics is the practice of fitting the job to the individual, which can help prevent work related musculoskeletal injuries. Risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include awkward postures, repetitive tasks, and/or forceful motions or use of hand-help tools. These types of injuries usually develop over time rather than as a result of a single event. Injuries can be prevented if tasks or processes are evaluated and modified to reduce risk factors. R&S will assess and evaluate work stations and body mechanics to recognize areas of high risk. If required, R&S will work with an industrial ergonomist to evaluate work stations and propose recommendations for improvements or elimination of ergonomics risks. Ergonomics training is provided to employees during orientation and through monthly toolbox talks. Employees are encouraged to report any muscle related issues to their supervisors/managers or R&S. 9.5 Confined Spaces A confined space refers to a place where a person can fully enter and work, but is not designed for continuous human occupancy and has restricted or limited means of entry or exit. Confined spaces may contain hazardous atmosphere, or other hazards, such as electrical, mechanical and fall from height. These spaces could require entry permits that address the hazards, mitigations and required approvals. Hazards may also be introduced by activities performed inside the space. Use of chemicals, painting, cleaning, grinding or sanding all create atmospheric hazards that can cause injury or illness without adequate ventilation or other controls. Hot work (e.g., welding, cutting, grinding, or brazing) in a confined space may release toxic gases or fumes. EGNW has identified its bailers falling into the definition of confined space. All outlets have bailers and will ensure that only contractors enter the space for any works. EGNW employees’ will not be authorized to enter these spaces to conduct any work. Outlets managers will mandate that a proper lock out tag out procedure are implemented prior to


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