The Performance Improvement Process - PIP's


Demotion The employee is transferred to a position with lower responsibility. Demotion is generally accompanied by a decrease in pay and/or benefits. Suspension Is used based on the severity of incident or policy violation and should not be a normal practice. The employee is typically suspended for 3-5 days based on circumstances and ongoing investigation. Suspensions are typically unpaid, depending on outcome. Termination Rehire Status Based on the termination reason, they may not be eligible for rehire. Check with your HR Generalist. Disciplinary Options that MIGHT be used in the Evergreen Goodwill Disciplinary Process

Goodwill Policy 1-20

• Can be used for any performance improvement issue • Used with Written PIP’s • Targeted Result should focus on the key issue not multiple issues. • Target Date must be specific and be aligned with the Follow-up review date of the Action Plan. • The Action Plan is non-negotiable and the employee must agree to these are mandatory actions. Action Plan Form


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