PowerPoint Presentation


Textiles Example A.

It Was Not Designed For Managers?

Hey, why are there so many z-racks just sitting here?

Sorry I’m late. I got caught up with something.

I can’t find a manager to audit. Now it’s 4:10 pm!

Auditing was designed in 2011 and was meant for a Quality Control Employee. Since that position slowly evaporated mangers started filling in as Auditors . This became a double-edged sword for managers. By having to audit for a large amounts of the day, it took time away to lead, plan, train and drive business. Plain and simple, managers can't always be around to audit . So priced product sat there during the day and at the end and became waste . Example A. By training someone who naturally has a solid grasp on product and price you now have a person who can help audit most of the time, if not all. This gives back time to leaders to lead, remove hurdles and check in. Example B .

Textiles Example B.

Yup, I have been auditing and tagging all day!

Wow, it 4:10pm and there is only one z-rack!

Nice job Tiff, you are a great auditor and tagger!

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