Prepared by: Prithy Madhoo Rev B: 7-5-2023 Date Created: 12-29-2021

certification and renewal will be available on “Training At Goodwill” (TAG) or with R&S or P&C. Upon recruitment or promotion of leadership, EGNW will require leaders to complete R&S Leadership Training so they understand their roles and responsibilities, understand the hazards and safety requirements as much if not more than the line employees. New employees (FT/PT/Temps) and leadership will be required to go through the initial R&S Orientation training on the first day of their employment. Monthly safety toolboxes will be used as a communication method to create awareness on various R&S topics throughout the year. Eliminating hazards through engineering design or administrative controls will be preferred over providing PPE. PPE is the least effective means of controlling hazards. EGNW will require that employees wear their PPE when they are exposed to hazards which cannot be controlled by engineering controls or other methods in their work environment. Each department’s managers/assistant managers/supervisors are responsible for enforcing PPE procedure, provision of PPE and use of PPE, A PPE hazard assessment is required by WAC 296-800-160. R&S will use PPE Hazard Assessment Checklist to conduct a PPE Assessment when there is introduction of a new process/risk or whenever required. Employees will be trained on proper use of PPE during Orientation and PPE refresher training will be completed on a yearly basis through toolbox talks. All required PPEs except safety shoes or clothes will be provided to employees at no cost by EGNW. 8.2.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

8.3 Introduction of New Chemical on site

EGNW will require that any chemical to be introduced into the workplace be approved by R&S. All persons involved in purchase or trial of a new chemical will collaborate with R&S for risk assessment and approval of chemical. To ensure proper document control all Safety Data Sheet (SDS), chemical inventory and training records will be maintained


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