PowerPoint Presentation
The Mental Battle
There are 2 types of thoughts surrounding Standards for staff.
Management here know I’m not quite making standards but they are trying to help me and have my best interest in mind and really do want to see me grow and be successful. They take time out to speak with me and paint a clear picture of what I can do to make it. I can see they also ensure I get the support I need from others. I can do this! The Store Leaders Really Are Trying to Help Me! 1.
My Boss Wants Those Numbers!
Every day my boss drops by and says “you need to make standards today”. If the managers keep pushing me about numbers without any help I’m outta here! I know Steve and Abdi feel the same way! All numbers and no support! The only thing that happens in this scenario is self –doubt. You can bet if one employee feels this way so do others. This approach ultimately causes low morale and heavy turnover.
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