PowerPoint Presentation
What are Standards
Textiles Workstation #3
(BURNOUT) Textiles Standard Takes 4 Employees | Non- paired
Salvage Range Box
Processing Table
Blue Cage
This is not to standard but happens due callouts, vacations and not prioritizing and assigning the correct labor. 100 pcs. per hour is still the textiles standard. We know it takes 2 employees to make the standard. In this example there is 1 tagger/stocker for 3 sorters. This puts a too much pressure on the tagger/ stocker to assist. You will probably run out of Z-Rack to sort on. No bonus pieces will be achieved on lunches and breaks. However, you will have a lot z-racks with sorted/priced product on them with no price tags at the end of the night that will have to ticked and stocked in the morning. This process will put you behind for the following day.
#3 Person Sorting
#1 Person Tagger Stocker
Women's Z-Rack
Men’s & Kids Z-Rack
Textiles Workstation #1
Textiles Workstation #2
Salvage Range Box
Salvage Range Box Processing Table
Processing Table
Women's Z-Rack
Blue Cage
Blue Cage
#4 Person Sorting
#2 Person Sorting
Women's Z-Rack
Men’s & Kids Z-Rack
Men’s & Kids Z-Rack
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