PowerPoint Presentation

The Foundation

Visual Management/Over Filled Station Just in Time (JIT), TAKT & Single Piece Flow The blue taped areas in the workstations are there to show staff where things should be. This also let’s Material Handlers know where RAW/Salvage product go. Sometimes Material Handlers may believe over stuffing product/blue totes in stations makes it easier for them and cuts down on bringing product when needed. This causes frustration, workstation frustration and wasted time and steps removing these extra not neccessaey items. Lastly, this takes employees off the processing table and hinders them from making Production Goals/Standards. This is a common hurdle for staff.

U-Shape Workstation Over Filled

Processing Table Salvage Range Box



Excuse Me!

Tote Table

Full Totes of Product

Shiny Cart

Empty Totes

Aisle Way

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