PowerPoint Presentation
What are Standards
(2 Employees) Textiles Standard | Paired Employees
Textiles Workstation
100 pcs. per hour is the textiles standard. It takes 2 employees to make that standard. The shifts work staggered so there is now time waste. Sorter starts 8:00am (hangs 100 pcs. 1 hour) Tagger comes in 9:30 so to have at least one rack filled to tag and stock. By the time they come back from stocking another rack should be filled. The both work a 7.5hr. Shift minus breaks and lunches. That should produce 750 pcs . *Bonus 100 pcs. Tagger fills in for Sorter on breaks and lunch = 1hr. 100pcs. Daily total for 1 sorter/1 tagger 850pcs.
Salvage Range Box
#2 Person Tagger Stocker
Processing Table
Blue Cage
1# Person Sorting
Women's Z-Rack
Men’s & Kids Z-Rack
Tagger/Stockers should be refilling sorters hangers and bringing empty z-rack for sorters. This prevents the sorters from stopping and leaving their station reducing table time.
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