PowerPoint Presentation

This Donated Jacket costs Goodwill $5.28 everyday . Plus, other of hundreds of items just like it which costs Goodwill thousands of dollars a day. The Question is HOW?

Overproduction Examples

3. March, 6 th 2021, Early rag-off of the $7.99 jacket due to being to tight to shop.

2. March, 5 th 2021, The $7.99 jacket is still there and still to tight to fit in the rack and it sits there.

1. March, 3 rd 2021, $7.99 Black jacket is stocked/pushed into a very tight rack.

3. 4.



The Math 1. If each straight rack holds 80pcs. X 4 tight racks = 320 pcs, X ave. price. Women's textiles selling price $6.54 = - $2,092.80 of possible items that do not sell due to racks being too tight. 2. Now take the time and labor it took to accept the jacket as a donation, sorting it, tagging it and then stocking it and lastly raging it off.- $2.07

3. Now add in transportation to the Outlet. Tipped, rotated and then baled and loaded onto a shipping container. -3.21 4. How many more items would then be quality ragged off to make this shoppable? Will it fill back up again?

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