PowerPoint Presentation
Focal Points
Color Tag Case 1
• %Wk1 – 18% to 24% - standard (sold full price) When it’s lower that 18% you should be looking at condition, pricing and lastly merchandising. Higher than 24% pricing generally to low. Prices do not match items (not maximizing item value). *Is it ok to be higher than 20% or even more? • %Wk2 – 18% to 25% - standard (sold full price) When it’s lower than 16% you should be looking at condition, pricing and merchandising. Higher than 25% pricing generally to low. *Is it ok to be higher that 23% or even more? • %Wk3 – 9% to 20% - standard (sold at discount) When lower than 9 % look at condition, pricing to high, merchandising and tag placement. Higher that 20% look at merchandising, condition and pricing . Priced Product could also not be making to the floor the same day. • %Wk4 – 9 % to 16% - standard (sold at discount) Ideally you want single digits in Wk4. 9% is ideal if you have sold 16% or higher in Wk.'s 1-3. Higher than 20% price does not match item (to high), condition and merchandising could be a major issue as well.
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