Facilities Guide 2023
Receiving D365 Purchase Orders
1. Log into D365 Operations & Finance 2. From the left column of options go into the purchase orders (POs) a. Click Modules b. From Modules, click on Procurement & Sourcing c. From Procurement, click on the drop down PURCHASE ORDERS d. Click on All Purchase Orders 3. Using filters on the top of the table, find your PO to receive a. For ease of filtering add a column that indicate SITE
i. Click on the 3 ellipses at the far right of the table and click INSERT COLUMN. From there a box will pop up with the various columns you may add to the table. ii. Make sure to save this setup under My View* which is located at the far left of your screen in D365 (You also need to save each time you adjust your view) 1. TIP: You can add more than site. You can also add “ WAREHOUSE ” or “ STATUS ” for further filtering
4. Click on the Blue PO # to be taken to the PO page 5. Alone the top bar of the page, click on RECEIVE. This will trigger a drop down menu 6. From the drop down menu, click PRODUCT RECEIPT under the generate group 7. Fill Out the Pertinent details for this box a. Product Receipt = Packing slip or Invoice number followed by – R (ex: 123456 R) b. Document Date = Date that the packing slip or invoice has (if D365 will not accept that date you can use that day’s date instead) c. If you have multiple items on a PO, scroll down to the line details and receive in ONLY what you got. i. In the receiving box, there are 2 more areas at the bottom called LINES and DETAILS: please click on LINES to view your items line by line
ii. For Backordered Items: If there is something that did not arrive in the shipment, please do not receive it in the system. Please change the quantity based on what was received.
8. Click Ok 9. Once processed, you are complete!
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